Attn: NY Speed Roller Hockey Team!

Attn: NY Speed Hockey Team!

The final details are being worked out for our new jerseys. Here is what I will need from you:

  • Money for the Jerseys – The original estimate was $100-$120. I have made a deal for $80 for the Jersey. I will need this ASAP so that I can get the order in. I really would like to have it by the end of the week if possible. I will see the guy on Monday to place the order. I don’t have the money to put down for this and I don’t want to blow this deal, so get on it :tup:
    - PM me or email me at, to figure out how to handle payment.

  • I need your jersey size - At this point I’m not sure if the Sizes are numbered (48, 52, etc) or just in regular size format (Medium, Large, etc). Send me both to cover both possibilities. If you don’t know your numbered size, just send me the other option.

  • Verify your information - if you haven’t already, I need to know the correct spelling of you last name and number for the jersey. So far I haven’t heard from Jeff (EVILSRT), Jay (SilverGTP), Adam (poose22), and Aaron (SOMEONE PLEASE CONTACT HIM)

  • Nagging tolerance: I’ll probably be sending out emails and PM’s in addition to this so that I don’t miss everyone. Until I have heard back from everyone and have cash in hand, the notifications will keep coming. I want to have these paid for and ready to go, so that we have them ready for our next session.
    Thanks Guys


i just noticed you posted this haha i pm’d you the other info for me justin and chara

I Just heard back from the guy. He said for size just use ( M,L,XL…)

lol, what are these gonna look like? colors? nyspeed logo?

if so i might want one

If your not on the team can you order one?:stuck_out_tongue:

I want in, WTF

i miss playing hockey so bad. lol

I need to find a team of dudes that are really terrible at roller hockey, so I can fit in.

I feel the same way:tantrum:

Can anyone still get in on this team???

Sorry man, the team is full :frowning:

any of you women play ice hockey? I have skate & shoots every mon & wednesday, they’re real good too

all of us guys on the team play ice actually, but we still play roller since we’ve played for a while


yea what p00se said…andre i’ve played ice with you once or twice now

and don’t be so bitter dozr :stuck_out_tongue:

you guys should come to some skate and shoots then. I’ve got mondays 10pm at riverside, wednesdays 10:30 at north buffalo. Always have 2 goalies. good to very good competition

thats pretty late man, thats why we dont ever go. people have school and work in the mornings.

yeah i miss playing hockey. i use to be on the ice 25 or more days a month for highschool. team was the shit. now i havent been on the ice for over a year:tantrum:

I’m in school, usually have to get up around 7 something. hockey goes till 11 or 12, get home and asleep by 12:30.

I can’t play at noon at pepsi or 2pm at buff state as I’m in school or working, so I do this instead. a lot of people have class, then work, then do this