Team NYSPEED hockey

As a continuation of a conversation with a few fellow hockey players:

What about getting new jerseys for the NYSPEED team? this website is one of many where hockey jerseys are pretty cheep and IMO a lot nicer then a plain orange jersey.

Should we do up some new jerseys for the up and coming season?

I vote yes.

as long as we could get everyone to agree to wanna pay for jerseys, we should definitely do it. im in too. jerseys with names/numbers/logo would be saweet

i’d be in, its not like we’re just gonna stop playing so might as well

jon do u have the link u sent me yesterday nite? the tour ones? orange with the black “inserts” would be good

Are we set on doing orange?
we could do a white jersey and keep the orange for our dark jersey.

Or could we something different?

I want in… where and when?

I could use another jersey with my name on it.

this is for the team playing now

same colors or do you want me to get creative?

Lets try and keep the symbol, but the colors could change

lets go from here. more or less? color change? how much do we want to spend?

was there a price for that jersey? looks good btw

yea i like that one jon, how much?

I would do it.

That design looks pretty good.

waiting on price…

heres another

#1 ftw



yeah thats my last one

numero uno

Need a back up goalie by any chance? I got some skillz left. :smiley: