Attn: OG Pittspeeders... It has come to my attention

And then I left Mike standing in the middle of the road as I bailed as da fuzzzz rolled in. He was standing there like “uhhhhh…” and the Cops started asking him questions. :doh:


lotus tuned geo metro… or something… lol

I have seen your accuisations already and I think they are patheitc little lies from a fat slob. I added you to my buddy list, and you are even sloppier now then you where before(seen your pics on away msg.). Are you still fucking thatJake kid in the ass with the Honda Del Sol? Anyways(even though you will deny this), the way it happened was I didn’t even know you where coming to crafton. Somebody mentioned it was you and somehow or another you knew I was me(if that makes sense). You came up to me introduced yourself, and shook my hand before I said a word. You stated something along the lines of, “you know all that shit on PSR is just bullshit right?” You need to get off this board, and keep your mind a little more active than trying to add up some rediculous post count. I think it has turned you into a pathalogical liar(to much lieing on the internet), because I do think you beleive what you are saying. Everybody else you said “recalls” the drama doesn’t, so get your fucking facts straight.
As for the Impulse, they are gay little storms with isuzu motors in them, but I was 18 years old at the time of purchase ,and I got it for $1800…enough said.
I wan’t going to even reply to this thread because you aren’t really worth my time, atleast I would like to think my time is more valuable than that(unlike yours). It just so happens I had a few extra minutes after dinner and decided to reply.

P.S. God, if I hung out with girls like the ones in your pics, I would fucking shoot myself blehhhhhh, you would be better off fucking jake in the ass again bitch

I loved that little shit box. :mad: I did get it for free though. On the inside of the door jam there was a little sticker that said “Isuzu”.

:itr41: :drama: :itr41: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: in before the lock

yeah, that was interesting. Stupid bitch cop bought every word of my story too. :kekegay:

you were looking through my webshots folder? I’m not worth your time and you’re looking through my scrapbook. Hilarious. :rofl:

As for Jake, he moved up throrough the ranks of NAMBLA and not sits on the board of directors. Saw him once in the last 3 years.

AS far as crafton, you’re a scrawny little dungeons and dragons playing twirp, and this interesting recollection just goes to prove that fact. You ran your mouth and then bitched out. You got laughed and then kept coming back after a few months under a new name and then got laughed off again. Lots of the people from back then are gone now, but theres still plenty that remember. so just keep spewing that hilarous little deviation from the truth as if it were fact to save face. We’re all chuckling to ourselves.

But anyways, I’m so glad you grew out of shittly little isuzus and your taste has matured on to the badass, envious, capable monster that is the Honda Accord. Good luck with that. :rofl:

huh dungeons and dragons huh? WTF are you talking about? And never once did I say my car was fast, or badass, or envious…if I did, I would be more than happy for you to show me where? …Exactly

:drama: :drama:

fuck dungeons and dragons… that shit’s for nerds…

<continues playing world of warcraft>

Hey :asshole Its his birthday! so STFU :finger:

you certainly implied that you were “young and stupid” in your Isuzu tuning days… and I was stating that I dont see much of an improvement.

and what Im traying to say is that I had to stop myself from laughing when you finally announced your presence at crafton that night. You’re an uber dork. Or at least you were. And from what I last saw, it would take nothing short of divine intervention to turn that boat around.

I wish people still hung out at IH. There’s nothing like that in Pittsburgh now. IH certainly wasn’t the best “track” but at least it was something…

there are places like that… just not IN pittsburgh… :slight_smile:

There are places in the surrounding areas. But they exist BECAUSE people dont know about them.

Theres stuff like that everynight in NYC. Yea it was cool though while it lasted.

just ask him how the baddest DSM to ever be created is doing up on blick for 2 years.

a DSM on blocks is still faster than a riced to fuck Cavalier.

did a libitarian tell you that? or all the pot you smoke you waste of life?