Attn: Owner of a slow black t-top Mustang

If the mass air gets jacked, it will run hella rich!!! check the wires and conections…

we didnt touch the MSD.

i dont know if the optimizer got bumped or not. Rob just bought a wideband so it will be running good by tonight hopefully then im gonna haul ass to kurt’s party.

its shooting black smoke bad. how rich = very very rich


yeah silver is a nice color. hard to tell if its dirty. :smiley:


mustangs are gay mmmmmmmmmmmmmm K

so uh yeah, we got it runing fine. put about 100 miles on it tonight.

drove to freeport, called kurt over 20 times, no answer so i turned around and headed home. drove through the strip and smelled coolant and saw smoke. car overheated and i made it to the heinz parking lot. fluid everywhere. Im thinkin either thermostat or water pump.

theres more :drama: with my car than there is on this board :frowning:

:hs: wow that sucks,sorry to here that bud!!! :hs:

:sadwavey: :x: hope its a easy fix

missed a hella time. sorry to hear about the car. :frowning:

hope it all gets worked out and you can come out and play soon

i think your car is actually a DSM disguised as a Mustang… think about it… something always wrong with it, goes through trannys like once a week…

yeah basically they do :crying:

my phone died last night…sorry chad…

well replaced the thermostat today, still overheats and the fan doesnt kick on. so now im trying the fan clutch. and if that isnt it, then im going to change the watewrpump.

Pewter, you still have a set of electric Fbody fans with my name on them??? :x:

:dunno: nut rider!!!

:hs: :bowrofl: :wink: :wink: :hsdance: :hsdance: :hsdance:


waterpump :itr41: and water wetter
and put some exaust wrap around the headers
