Attn: People who run websites

What kind of site stats script do you use?? I found one that I wanted, but it’s not free anymore and I’m not paying for a script… it’s at

I found this through google: but I don’t need another counter, I found a counter that I like that is great!

So what do you guys use? :dunno:

Oh yeah, and my host comes with nothing great… just basic stats. I’m looking for something that would tell me how many links each person clicked, referral sites, etc.

get whitey to host your site

whitey wants $10/month… right now I pay $7, and they are OK as a host… not terrible, not spectacular. The hassle of moving 240Mb of data to another server w/ a 56K connection isn’t worth it.

put data on cd, give cd to whitey. bam data transferred :smiley:

well, that’s up to Mike, and I’ve mentioned it before but he doesn’t want to move the site… (renewal is due in about 3 weeks though… :hs: )


well, a bit of searching and I DO have complicated stats, but there isn’t any way to exclude my OWN site from the referrer list… that does me no good. It isn’t sorted very well.

what webserver are you using? IIS/Apache, the logformat that you are also using makes a difference. You can generate your own stats with webalizer, it’s free too…

just search for webalizer on


and if you want to transfer your site i can do a FXP and transfer server to server

I have webalizer… it doesn’t tell me shit. Then I have something called Analog which is super-hard to read, and tells me EVERY click EVERYWHERE on my site… I’d like to exclude the forum if possible, from any stats since our members are the only ones who use it anyways.

awstats… I’ll do a search for that later today.

and if you want to transfer your site i can do a FXP and transfer server to server

never heard of that… what is it?

If webalizer doesn’t show you then you aren’t configuring it correctly, or you don’t have your logs configured correctly. But since the other app tells you everything, you just need to configure webalizer correctly.

All webalizer shows me is a graph of the hits per month… I want actual web addys, IPs, etc.

Matters not… I’ll be on Whitey’s server by the end of the month. :slight_smile:

well, edit that… we aren’t changing servers after all… so I’m still going to need info on a nice stats program. I haven’t had a chance to look @ awstats yet.