pissed off the host pretty good

I think i pissed off the host pretty good, I got into it with them about the downtime today during the day. informed them that i am pulling my services and then told them how my new host(myself) is better then them

it’s good business practice to bitch at people every now and then about stuff, it makes everyone’s day go faster. :smiley:

lol now go to “your host sucks .com” and trash them :smiley:

sigh if only I had looks @ yourhostsucks.com before I went with feature price!!

I just found out (after renewing) that I’m limited to 3 SQL databases!! WTF? That makes 1 for my forum, 1 for my counter, and 1 for my new site I’m building… I’m a little jacked off.

parasite > host

you use a SQL db for your counter? WTF

It stores the stats too… I like it… :hsdance:

ic makes a lil more sense… i thought you meant 1 counter takes up a whole DB

No, unlimited counters takes up 1 database, I just only have one counter! :slight_smile: I could probably combine the counter tables into my forum DB, but I don’t really NEED another database, I just tried to create a “test” one real quick one day and found out that I couldn’t have another one. So I just hopped over to an XMB forum that I helped create and “stole” one of theirs temporarily.

html counters = easy / reliable :slight_smile:

using log files for statistics… even easier

The problem w/ just using log files is that I can’t EXCLUDE certain folders/files from being logged. 80% of the traffic comes from the forum, and only members access that. Still haven’t found a way to do that… :dunno:

create subdomain, make users use the forums.ndc.com

log files will then be created for ndc.com and forums.ndc.com

subdomains cost me $10 a pop… :rolleyes:

Not a bad idea though… I’ll ask Mike about it… :slight_smile:

10 a year? or what? thats is freaking crazy… it takes oh 2 seconds to create a subdomain

I don’t know… seems like it’s a $10 one-time fee.

I sent them a support request once asking if they offered sub-domains and they told me no… then I found on their website that they do. :rolleyes: