Attn: PewterSS

I’m not blonde anymore… :naughty:



:rofl: I just got done like 1 1/2 hours ago and I have to work all night. I’ll think about it… :wink:

yup proof!!!1but i bet u still act blonde!!!

question is does the carpet match the curtains???

:dunno: proof!!!:smiley:

doesn’t make you any smarter…

just playing :bigthumb:
no pics. no care.

None of your business!!

(there is no carpet! and NO PICS)


of not being blonde and no carpet

Well she threw away my registartion sticker for my bike. Her punisment was to go back to a brunette…

Hopfully my BP will lower some now.


pics yet???//new bar pic???

Fbarpics, bike pics are where its at :naughty:


no… not yet!

bike pics? :rofl: