Totally Random, But I Want Your Opinions

Whats better, blonde or brunette?
Cuz I have brown hair now…but idk what’s hotter.

lol thanks guys!!!

leave it brunette, mosts blondes look like whores

Brunettes better…but I’m a brunette soooo does that count???



if you posted some pictures, it would probably help.

brunette:lickmahpu or bald



pics before and after? :smiley:

thread is worthless without pics :smiley:

hey, I’d like your opinion on what color to paint my room. I shall not include any pictures of the room, but please comment anyways. thanks!

whore of attention?

hair color don’t matter in the dark, choose a hole your best at.


black hair >

will the carpet match the curtains?

cant tell you opinion because we dont know what you look like to chose blonde or brunette



This is the correct answer.:itr41: