Attn: Pittspeed conservative sackriders

how does it feel to have your president having sub 40% approval ratings with less than 25% of the nation saying that this country is headed in the right direction, having the congressional majority leadership under indictment or investigation, and having the presidents most senior and trusted advisor and the vice president’s cheif of staff both ready to go under indictment? not to mention good old Brownie and the heck of a job he did, and the subsequent embarassment he made of himself in the congressional hearings. Plus the entire party raging against the administration over his retarded supreme court nominee. They’re completly falling apart. God its so great to watch.


the liberals are gonna fucking OWN in the 06 elections and the conservatives are gonna lose both the house and the senate, and Im gonna laugh soooooo hard.

swings like a pendulum.

there will be a liberal resurgence, then a liberal fuck-up, and another conservative resurgence, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum.

So basically it’s:

xxx in office
fuck up
yyy in office
fuck up
zzz in office
fuck up

not even.

i WISH we had three parties.

it’s basically:

X in control.
fucks up.
Y in control.
fucks up.
X back in control.

I still bet a republican wins in 08

only if he’s a moderate. and i’ll bet he has a more liberal congress to deal with.

i could see McCain winning in '08.

who gives a fuck, bush is still pres till then. find something new to get your jollies off too.

attn darkstar

fells just like clinton for both terms

with all these post from you i guess pittspeed has switched from a pittsburgh car forum to a political forum. Its getting old, you dont like bush :gives: suck it up.

clinton should have been impeached. pot kettle black?

It doesn’t effect me at all. I’ll still be conservative in my thinking. That doesn’t change because some Republicans are fucking up according to network news, Jon Stewart and CNN…

I’d consider voting for a D if they ran a viable candidate. I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton. I won’t vote for Al Gore.

If only the Libertarian Party would be more mainstream…

I’m way more liberal then conservative, but mainly Libertarian, I hate Bush and his lackys and fell the government is going down the toilet, say all you want about Clinton but me and my family had better times when he was president, who cares if he was getting his dick sucked. I did vote for Kerry but only cause my hatred for bush overpowered me not to vote for Michael Badnarik…

I think something is wrong if a second term president can’t “figure it out” enough to get the approval rating up to 50% or more when ~50% of the people supposedly voted for him!


It’s strange because most of the people I talk regularly like the Libertarian party’s politics and policies, yet this party doesn’t gain that much ground.

That just means that liberals do a better job at getting their sheeple to take pools. That actually means that the rest of the people in the world that didn’t take that pool are more conservative.

Thats like 1 million percent BIOTCH :spank:


clinton was impeached.

bold statement from blanyer. wtf am i still doing up? im in my room and drunktarded and im about 3/4 meter from my bed and im sittin on pittspeed. ghey>me>u er soemthing.

holy shit you are fucking retarded. Clinton WAS impeached. :rofl:

and he was impeached for lying about a blow job. Bush lied about WMD’s and 2000 american soldiers have died because of it, and billions and billions oy my and your money paid for it. . Which do you think is worse?

That’s the liberal take on things at anyrate…