Why would you take up two parking spaces down at matrix?
Is that thing a porshe?
It had a pittspeed sticker on it.
It must be a rocket car… :blue:
Why would you take up two parking spaces down at matrix?
Is that thing a porshe?
It had a pittspeed sticker on it.
It must be a rocket car… :blue:
Uh oh, I think doing something like that while sporting a Pittspeed sticker is an insta-ban for one week!
thtas why i drive my trucck!push him over & make room!
slowshelby got a new neon
i know that car, i forget his name though
I never seen a car that ugly!
Thats how you ask for trouble…
no i would never get a neon like that i know who it is tho… and its ugly as hell… and he thinks its cool :rolleyes:
wow thats green alrite
my freind painted it…
the int is like stucko foam or somethen,
see shelby’s sig
wow that car is green… i don’t know who it is
they have apittspeed sticker? are they even on here?
prob hidding in the closet
its stock! :spank:
lights ,strips?
wasted all the money on paint to try and look cool but rims on a stock neon would have been a better investment. Nice ugly steel wheels
bet the hubcaps were “lost” during re-chroming