just a couple pics of the Srt...

http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc168/spoolin45/downsized_0725081446.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc168/spoolin45/l_9d91ddd0947b66b18889b9e16b7c70c8.jpg

yep, still a neon

yup it is…

thats the same thing that the White evo in Wexford said lastnight…then after he got smoked by a neon he changed his tone…lol.

i dont hate on ANY1…i just do what i do and if ppl dont like it thats there problem.

I like. Looks good.

thanks ur Hatch is lookin good to.

Holy shit, you found an Evo that can talk? That’s way more impressive than your Neon.

seen it on mcknirht the other day, looks good


i like what you did to your rims. Neon or not, i have seen them beat on camaros on multiple ocasions.

nice car man

i’d hope you’d beat on an stock evo running a 50 trim :ugh: nice car nonetheless. i dig the naked intercooler.

You in the North Hills much at all? I thought I saw this car at my work a week or so ago…

im not sure why people cut up on skittles…there hands down badass an i almost bought one…they respond to mods very well an def can look sinister.



viper badge= :greddy:
tint= :greddy:
a neon= :greddy:
I wonder how much HP the red paint on the engine or the “economy” battery gives?


it would be cool if you had a viper.

i love it. looks amazing. dont like the viper badge but everything else i would love to have myself.

it was all powdercoated. not paint…just to dress it up, not a big deal

Dont take anything to heart man … People are just messin’ with you. You have a nice car, no doubt about it. I honestly like everything about it … Im just not sold on the viper emblem