attn!! ragtop

did you go out and get the william hung cd …it came out yesterday…

no I wouldn’t give that guy a penny I think he is a funny mofo though

Originally posted by slowcamaro
did you go out and get the william hung cd …it came out yesterday…
She bangs by william hung, won yesterday during the pirates Juke box. :rolleyes: Fuck william hung, what the fuck is wrong with this country, you can have zero talent and get rich for being a fucking moron. Actually fuck the media for letting idiots like this get rich. :madfawk:

Originally posted by Cutty
She bangs by william hung, won yesterday during the pirates Juke box. :rolleyes: Fuck william hung, what the fuck is wrong with this country, you can have zero talent and get rich for being a fucking moron. Actually fuck the media for letting idiots like this get rich. :madfawk:


same goes with that kid jay leno put on that was yawing when the president was talking. How the hell is that entertainment? if that was my kid i would punish the shit outta him. That shows what kinda parents he really has that would let him go on that show for that reason.

the kid was on haninty and colmes last night and was still yawning…he might have ADD

exploiting the mentally challenge was Almost funny:rolleyes:

that william hung thing is soo stupid, i was pissed when they started playing it at the pirate game

Originally posted by slowcamaro
the kid was on haninty and colmes last night and was still yawning…he might have ADD
fuck that ADD shit, pay fuckin attention little bastards. God i need to stop listening to the Savage Nation.

Originally posted by dgramc
that william hung thing is soo stupid, i was pissed when they started playing it at the pirate game
i thought there was no way Skynard was gonna lose, especially in pittsburgh. but then again pittsburgh fans will Vote for “c is for cookie” for two homestands straight last year. I wanted to jump off the clemente bridge.

Originally posted by Cutty
i thought there was no way Skynard was gonna lose, especially in pittsburgh.
What no Donnie Iris, whats up with at.

Originally posted by Cutty
fuck that ADD shit, pay fuckin attention little bastards. God i need to stop listening to the Savage Nation.

i thought savage was off the airways…i listen to quinn and sean hanninty on the radio

yeah i am in a middle school now and everytime that a student is bad or acts up the teachers are like “he needs ritalin” (spl?)

im like “no he just needs to get the royal beat down once adn he will straighten out” mommy and daddy need to stop babying that fuckin kid. :mad:

Originally posted by Cutty
i thought there was no way Skynard was gonna lose, especially in pittsburgh. but then again pittsburgh fans will Vote for “c is for cookie” for two homestands straight last year. I wanted to jump off the clemente bridge.

skynard :cool:

Originally posted by flyinglow57
yeah i am in a middle school now and everytime that a student is bad or acts up the teachers are like “he needs ritalin” (spl?)

im like “no he just needs to get the royal beat down once adn he will straighten out” mommy and daddy need to stop babying that fuckin kid. :mad:

ha- mac is gonna lay the smack down on his students for the next 30 years:rofl: :rofl: :bigthumb:

Originally posted by flyinglow57
yeah i am in a middle school now and everytime that a student is bad or acts up the teachers are like “he needs ritalin” (spl?)

im like “no he just needs to get the royal beat down once adn he will straighten out” mommy and daddy need to stop babying that fuckin kid. :mad:

there was a study just done about ridalin…it is knowm to stunt the grouth of children

Originally posted by flyinglow57

im like “no he just needs to get the royal beat down once adn he will straighten out”
:rofl: that was pepsi out the nose if i was drinkin when i read that. but that is so true, sorta like when greg lloyd put a loaded gun in his sons mouth and told he better do good in school or he was gonna blow his brains out. I don’t see why they arrested him for that.

Savage is still on at nights i think.

skynards applause sounded louder…and that cookie monster shit last year pissed me off too

after everything i did say i must admit. there is this one student that was on something the first 3 weeks i was there. he stopped taking it and he became a baskit case in my classroom. he just wont stop moving around and making comments and trying to be the class clown.

he got put back on what ever he is on. and damn he is like a new child. but others it doenst work or they just try to find a reason.

(and its never the parents fault):rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Cutty
:rofl: that was pepsi out the nose if i was drinkin when i read that. but that is so true, sorta like when greg lloyd put a loaded gun in his sons mouth and told he better do good in school or he was gonna blow his brains out. I don’t see why they arrested him for that.

Savage is still on at nights i think.
Of all the people on this planet, Greg lloyd dosn’t need a gun to scare someone.:smiley: