im not stuped

some of u punk kids that think ur funny picking on the new guys ur just makeing urself and pittspeed look bad haha yah its all fun and games untill the site gos down bc u cant keep ur mouth shut and be kool to the new guys/girls you litle punk kids that think u know everything well get off ur mom and dads coutch and do something i might only be 18 but i have got more comensence then you will ever have u try moveing to texas alon to go to school and see how funny u will be after so next time u think of messing with one of the new members just think am i realy this useless in life that i have to mess with people who are trying to interact and meet people with the same intrests so dont b selfish and just think about some laphs bc you r the ones wo might bring down the site some day all bc u thought it was funny… get a life u POS!!!

a stupid is a stupid does. thats what mamma always used to say

there’s def a few grammar mistakes in the rambling as well.

haha yah ur funny

Just WOW…

That shit you just typed makes you sound like you are in third grade or something???

The quality of education that is being taught in our schools these days is just fucking astounding…

And I am paying over 4k/yr in taxes for this shit…un-fucking-real!!

Do they teach proper grammar in Texas?

Thanks for confirming all of the stereotypes Texas has to offer.

Did you go to texas alon or did you have enough comensence to tak your momma’s coutch ?

you may only be 18 years old, but you are as smart as an 8 year old, maybe. fuck off n00bie

the 18 year old that can’t spell or form a sentence is calling us punk kids?

Shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of trash. Did you have to go the whole way to Texas to find a school for 18 year olds that are on a 4th grade reading level?

:doh: It is like a mixture of ebonics and I am dumb as that fucking rock over there. Wonder if he actually speaks this way. Hopefully he was really intoxicated when he typed it.

You fuckin punk kids!!!:wackit:

Is he threatening to crash pittspeed with his maddddd hackorz skillz?

Muuhahhahaaa - ~ The boy can’t even type a sentence.

Crazy thing called a period…get off yours…and learn to use them grammatically.

For those who havent been to texas, let me tell you it is a different country :slight_smile:

Did I miss something? What caused this? Im guessing darkstar :kekegay:

anyways, Im gonna go grab some popcorn and watch this noob STFU

stuped. hahahaha he cant even spell stupid correctly.

Awesome thread :kekegay:

I can’t wait to see the response to this, I had to have a 13 year old decipher whatever the fuck that was that he said

ha i graduated in pa so u retards are just as smart as me and the fact that i cant spell dont hurt my feelings i herd it all throught high school frome puzzys like u who try to make them feel better bc they cant get laied in highschool i would through quers like u down the steps o ur hard u can make fun of some1 with a learning disiblity well congradulations ur an azzhole


i have a learning disiblity whats ur excuse?

o yah and while ur siting at home masterbating in some shope thats geting u nowere in life im going to uti o yah and im going to work for mercedes benz so the fact that i cant spell dosent make u any smarter then me how stuped do u feel in a year i will mostlikly be makeing more money then u

Wow. Just wow.

What did you join this site for again? To connect with car enthusiasts 1,500 miles away, or to make a point to those car enthusiasts (who frankly don’t care what you have to say, and have probably gained a mild migraine from trying to decipher your posts)? Just not sure what the logic is here.

This is a website that may be better suited to your interests.