ATTN: Scumbag Dave from Troy

Well I think you and I both know that more than likely wont happen, Do you know this guy personally? This girl obviously does… Just go kick him in the teeth it will make you feel better:number1

yea smooookin

by imput you mean input right? kthxbye.

yes that

i lold at this.

… he has a disorder, leave him alone

+1… just not when their ex is bigger than your house

well asshole i know u have read this so just know that i hope u fucking choke tonight while ur sleeping.

it’s your ex? why is it a big deal then?

Not ex, girl he has been seeing. And Dave likes to tattle and try to cause a rift between them.

ohhhhh… well knock him the fuck out, don’t post on here about it. DAMN.

We don’t know who he is, that’s the problem. :frowning:

Get his phone number and we can pull a irache95hatches for fun.

Someone on here has got to work for a cell phone carrier.
We can use the # to find out where he lives, then PJB him.

:ninjaSomething :ohnoes

I just dont understand… How do you know “he” read this? plz add details… none of this make sense to the general pubelick. How are your fellow shifter goign to help kick some ass?


still alive


He lurks around the site, reading all E’s posts to wimmenz, and he apparently knows the girl E has been seeing so he tells her and she goes girl nuts over nothing.


I’ve been found out.