ATTN: Scumbag Dave from Troy

you know who you are. stop texting her, telling her every little thing that i JOKE about on this fucking site u scumbag! your a fucking tool and i can only hope to meet you one day so i can rip your fucking jaw from your worthless head and send it to your whore mother via FED-EX.


Interested to see where this is headed…

in awaiting epicness…

What Dave is this again on the forum? I don’t even know last names let alone user names here and/or what vehicle they drive.

e muscles gettin loud

no one knows. this fag hides.

bigred is FUCKED

Oh yes.

Lmao is this the scion guy?


i think that dave is from schenectady




kick his ass seabass

Scumbag Lance from Troy checking in

is this dave character your brother?


Someone obviously doesn’t know what JOKING is.