ATTN Shift518!!!There are thieves about!!!


Good god I wish I was like you… what is your secret?!

i just got done reading all these posts…its sucks that you guys have to worry about this shit…i leave my keys in the ignition right next to the road…i live about 40 min from albany tho…but most people know better than to come near my shit …i almost wish someone trys to steal my car… i would love to run out and kill someone on my front lawn…my car is loud as shit… i would hear it start from a mile away…

And then you’d get 10+ years in jail for manslaughter. Because of a car. Great thinking, I hope the car is worth it.

my car never got broken into and it had a smashed window on the drivers side! sat in RENSSELAER with a black plastic bag half assed over the window so water couldnt get in, for like 2 monthes at least…


I would deffinitly keep an eye on your car sin the Albany area. I noticed last night my dome ight was on in my Civic. The car was parked in front of my house all day. I went out to investigate why it was on at 12:30 last night. Come to find that my drivers door was left iopen and the rear back hatch was poped open. The car stated right up so I know someone must have just broken into it. There are some chipped paint marks by the door seem now. Nothing was taken, but I put the car in my garage asap.

I also found 3 police cars chillin down the street from me. So I notified them as soon as I seen them.

yea, but the windows are tinted and theres rims on it, and i always drove it around renss w. the system blaring…

“apparently” someone broke into where I live in CP also and stole some MISC shit, not my pc thank god (lol that felt geekish)

and they also hit up 2 houses or so on the same street… apparently…

Yea this is BS, people need to grow up , get jobs, and buy there own shit!

NAH i get mine the FAST WAY the skii mask way , TAKE MONEY, TAKEMONEYMONEY LOL

hes got that arab moneyyyy

u want that hook u gone pay tht money