Hey hey… clear your pm box…hit me up YO!!!

hey now.


Merry Christmas??

i just saw this now…i’m guessing pewter or whitey where dreaming of showtime and mistakenly editied my post…:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

I wish someone would’ve quoted her. What did they change it to?

something to the effect of:

“hey showtime… i still owe you a penis massage… hit me up”

you guys wish i would have attentioned you with that!! :wackit:

nah… between my girlfriend and myself, i don’t think my penis can take much more massaging…

my balls look like raisins…

too much info…i think i just lost my lunch

hillarity there. :yum:

ant mod can do it!:stick:

who would have done such a thing…terrible…


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Date User Name Action Post IP Address
11:09, 18th Dec 2006 Be_Rad Post ATTN: SHOWTIME Edited
11:09, 18th Dec 2006 Be_Rad Post ATTN: SHOWTIME Edited

^^ haha and folks there you have it.

I could go for a Penis Massage right now… can I get one sent my way?

Please and Thank You.