I hereby challenge Taco to a civil, intellectual debate of religion. He has recently taken up its cause, and for those that know I am something of an outspoken critic of it. We are friends of nearly a decade, so Im sure we can pull this off in a collected and respectful manner, and perhaps someone might learn something, or at least be provoked into thought one way or another.
not here!
we cant have a discussion about religion in the on-topic section of the site? :ugh:
do as u want!isnce i was over road!
outstanding. in for Taco showing up.
I would love to argue with you over religon, but I agree with you.
take that shit to church where it belong’s !!!
You can argue about religion in church??? That seems a little awkward.
there has been no education in this thread after 8 posts… closed
why did u open it back up after i closed it?
it had potential for a serious discussion, something i would enjoy reading about. it just didn’t go there.
i knew it wouldnt!