shut up tiny

wow, this thread really exploded!


i was fairly agitated last night, as i had overcooked my pasta…

however, i shall not retract any statements. i stand by them.

oh, and i stand by my post that newman’s post with the gif being the funniest post i have ever read.

LA turned Dos into a thug, i chilled with him the other day and ILC should probably keep his fucking mouth shut unless he wants a size 13 very expensive shoe up his ass. The fact that he tells newman not to talk shit to people that live close to him shows his e-thugishness. in fact he probably should delete his account because hes burned so many bridges he could never be a functioning member on this site, due to the fact if he ever shows up at a function there would be a line waiting to beat his ass.

Back on topic im down Dos either to UE or to beat someones ass.

we need a vid of you in front of the timing truck on top of the reg. table singing “I’m a little tea cup”. Doing the moves is a must as well.

Anyways, I see you still hate those e-thug keyboard bandits…
I see that one kid stop talking shit after he got fucked up.

What kid?

someone from WNYUE.

do we really fight over internet chatter? really? is that what this world is coming to?

im sorry, but anyone that is fighting people because of trash talk online is :gay:


You really need to be careful how you talk about me on the internet, I don’t appreciate it. Tone down the disrespect, I don’t know where you’re from but where I am from, we don’t tolerate that. Don’t even reply to this, just keep your mouth shut. Consider yourself warned.




Sam i consider you a friend and you know me pretty well, its basically not just internet chatter people who are allways ignorant and step outta line thinking there will be no repercussions because it was said online need a reality check you know that.


look at the car in your signature.

revaluate your statement.

i dont care if you were joking.

I’ve been to many NYspeed functions, and never once has someone come up to me to tell me otherwise.

If Dos wants to try to fight me/stick his foot up my ass/fuck me he can try. I really don’t care what kind of attempts he will try to make.

At any rate. I’m waiting

Yea good example would be Jesses(Muscle 5.0) , no one talks shit to him knowing that he will take it into real life. Same thing with Jay. People need to be put into check.

I let ILC slide with all his trash talking for a long time, but I am fed up with it as so are quite a few other members.

the problem there is it seems youve been lucky to step on the right toes, but you see not everyone just lets internet shit talking fly, and by the time you relize that it will be too late. You cant just go around talking shit in real life to everyone you meet so why do it online when you dont even know who the fuck youre being an asshole to. At least in real life you can pick your battles, you know what youre getting into and can evaluate weither the assumed risk is worth speaking your mind.

:lol: ILC is going to pay late charges on something?

You are clearly a huge faggot. Oh I’m such a fucking baller I live in LA. I make so much money. Still the fact of the matter is you are a complete douche bag. I’ve talked to you before, I’ve heard stories from other people… You suck, plain and simple suck. Fuck you, go die in a fire

When have I ever talked shit to you? Do I want to fight you? No I have no idea who you are nor do i care. Thanks for inserting your Toughness into a thread which you have no part in.

I never rubbed in any ones face that I living in LA is baller to any extend. Its nice there and all, but you have to make serious bank there to be ‘baller’. And these other ‘stories’ that you claimed you have heard are from people that dont know shit about me.

So, YOU SUCK plain and simple fucking suck big time, and I am not the only one who thinks that. So why dont you take your m3 and drive off a cliff.
Seems that you are the one who is trying to be more baller then me.

i was giving you a fucking heads up to tone your bullshit down by all the shit i keep seeing about you. I stepped in here because Adam is a friend of mine and i told him i wanna chill. I never said you talked shit to me, like i said youve mustve been stepping on the right toes untill now, do i need to elaborate on that statement?