I’m glad you and your little group of ass buddies feel that I suck. I’m not trying to be more baller than you, I personally don’t care about ballerism (yes i made that up) I bought the car to drive, take to the track and enjoy it.
You seriously wont be laughing for long.
You will cross some one’s path that you should of never spoke shit to, if its me or not. On that day I am sure of it you will not be laughing.
#1. I have the impression of ILC that he’s a big fucking douch bag online, but actually a pretty decent guy out there in the real world. Hence I’m not worried about anyone actually fighting.
#2. I don’t think Dos is retarded enough to actually fight anyone because of the internet. Hence I’m not worried about any “threats” being real.
That’s it! I hear you work out and shit, so I’m not going to fight you I’m going to ban you so hard! Wait, DIY furniture?! OMG link me plz?!?!