CALLOUT: CHINO (Now with HD content)

Im not one to ruffle some feathers but after a recent slew of nasty words, I am now calling out your very own “Chino”.

The scoop:

Me vs You (toomey), armwrastlin’

you name the date and place, I’ll be there

fear the wrath

Taking bets. If I lose, I will publically admit sir Jim is far better at life than I, and I will no longer ridicule, mock, or deface any of his property for the rest of my natural born life.

ugghhh you need to lose my phone number you long necked fggt

edit: lol

edit2: your offer for bet sucks since a) it is already known to be true and b) your insults are weaker than your armwrastlin’

is that a yes or no?

i’ll have to see when this weaksauce can be slotted into my busy schedule

so you day dream about me? sick

Ill even come to your place of business so we can settle this like men.

and I am not afraid to bump this when appropriate

Why don’t I get called out :frowning:

hahahahahhahahah I miss this.

I’ll work on this.

Who can collect more nudes in the span of a month…

bwak bwak bwak

is chino spanish for chicken?

lol @ chicken lol

sweet STi shirt!!

come to my house, tonight, 5:45pm, i have the same garbage can for warzone.

geoffery knows the address.



it’s spanish for i banged your mom, ask her for the videos maybe you can learn a move or two :mamoru:

lol i said the same thing whilest browsing the pictorals

OHH I can swing by and watch this too

In at 5:45!

awwww shit… in for vids.

Don’t let paulo take the videos… I’m still waiting to see the snow boarding video…

i don’t have a video camera but there is probably someone out of the group that has a camera that can take a picture of the money shots

edit: and don’t be late, i got diapers to change


Can I get in on this? :slight_smile:

i can assure you i’m not driving to NYC! this is already bananas

crap, i totally forgot i have to go to the in-laws tonight for dinner - we need to be done by like… 5:47 !