
I don’t mean to waste bandwith or anything with this thread but i was wondering how do i get my stickers sent to me?

you should just shoot him a PM

and it’s bandwidth…

typo my bad Turbo

no problem… i was just saying that incase you didn’t know.

they are in the process of being made… hold your horses

Originally posted by whitey
they are in the process of being made… hold your horses
he has no horses,he drive a sunbird!!!:smiley: :tounge: :wink:

Originally posted by Pewterss
he has no horses,he drive a sunbird!!!:smiley: :tounge: :wink:

ooohhhh - diss :slight_smile:

true…sad but true :frowning:

i promise you will get them when i get them… i am trying to graduate so i am busy and my graphics guy is slammed and i just added more to his work load… I also ordered white t shirts for the summer.

we :love: you whitey! And you’re t-shirt guy is great… we :love: him too! :wink: :wink: