Anyone know where i can get a sticker for my camaro?
I am selling some for the owner of the site, I will bring them to flash light drags this weekend. I believe I read you were going, what color are you interested in?
So your selling them for yourself, in other words?
I would like to get a couple of white ones.
Can you bring some to the Starlite Cruise as well?
whitey you should just keep some extra ones in your car. I still need to pick up one for my car too.
walk some down the street to me…lol
I want one too
Whitey,do you live in moon?
no he moved to the city with his b/f!
they will remain in the 240 from now on… I do not live in moon anymore but I will be down at 1st try tonight working on a car. So if you want to stop down you are more then welcome to.
smokey… what house does she live in?
What time and how long will you be there cause I’ve got a shoot in an hour and I was going to go there after wards.
What’s 1st try?
Jeff is the owner, crazy gearhead and fabrication magician.
He is located just a pubic hair off of cliff mine road.
Its not hard to get to, but you will probably drive past it if driving to fast. Jeff is a great guy and it was cool hanging out with some more people from pittspeed and thanks for the stickers whitey.
Whitey, you got black Stickers? The one you gave me at the picnic last year got ate up, time for a replacement
Oh and Hayabusa, i would goto the Demise Of Eros show tonight(im sure your going to photograph BTF) but I need to save cash. I havent seen demise in a while, probably since my old band played our last show with them.
i am all out of black, hell I am all out of most colors. I got to reorder