Attn whitey

Your a fucking pussy. I’m going to have sex with your mouth.

That is all.

its like open season.


meow what is so damn funny?

get back in your pink car and think about it right meow

U are allllllllllll homos and all belong in the gay district in Sanfransisco…evrybody in this thread but me!!!


go climb a tree you cum bucket swimming toad

please kill yourself.

i will make a mess in your mouth

I dont even remember posting this last night. Get this, I guess it says on my bottle of percocets NOT to consume with alcohol. Pretty weird.


I’d like to take a Mr. 2 on your hood right meow.

gay humor not found

Who does number 2 work for ! ! !

you should send some of the “percocets” down here to Ocean City so I can conduct further testing.

Percocets are for the weak:down: