Attn: Whomever said Russ Grimm was a "LOCK"

Shitty choice

hahaha, i love it. Tomlin will be good here!

…by the way…good call sleeper:embarassd

What was that?


This teams going to hell…

Does your inside source know hwy the Rooney’s changed their minds?

Seriously…i don’t know y or who…
Very very bad decision on their part

actually it isnt a bad decision at all. Tomlin should be good, here.

I’m sure the Rooney’s went with the cheapest coach they could get…

not really. neither tomlin or grimm have been head coaches yet, so neither one is gonna make anywhere near as much as, say someone like cowher. so all 3 candidates wouldve made roughly the same amount, as first-timers.

10 Mil over 10 years (2.5/yr)

edit typo 10 mil over 4 years (2.5 mil/yr)

Thats what the leauge pays for first time caoches,too bad he won’t be here that long

i meant over 4years

Gee u think

I mean, how do you know whether its a good or bad choice? Nobody really knows until you see how he performs as a coach.

I think its damn near idiotic to say a coach is going to suck before he is even introduced to the media and fans. Let’s give the guy an opportunity. Maybe he’ll be another Cowher or Noll, who knows?

I am not even going to go into it…

thanks… because you already have no arguement. It will be good to get a new person that is not already with the team in there. Seems like a decent guy that will get the job done.

Ya, he sure got the job done for the vikings:ugh:

x2. its nice to get a fresh system in there. the team doesnt have the personel to do some of the things that the steelers of old did, so itll be a welcome change to hopefully play in a style that suits who we have, rather than ‘well, this is how we do things around here’ type attitude all the time. not that i want or think its gonna be a complete overhaul, but i think this will be just what we need.

the whole 1 year he was there… it seemed he did pretty well in tampa!