Aud to be torn down

haha i cant wait till the city is even more infested with rats.i am down for watching the rats run away from the AUD when they tear it down.


Is there a develop plan? My big problem is all too often these things just leave a grassy field with a fence around it and a couple hundred thousand in some contractors pocket.


I agree, if there is no development contract or plan, there is no need to tear down just yet. Why should we pay to tear something down just for the sake of tearing it down? So we can have another parking lot?

I am all for tearing it down if there is someone with a contract to develop the site.

Tear it down now. Develop later


I agree, if there is no development contract or plan, there is no need to tear down just yet. Why should we pay to tear something down just for the sake of tearing it down? So we can have another parking lot?

I am all for tearing it down if there is someone with a contract to develop the site.


The problem is no one is going to sign a development plan when there is an asbestos filled huge arena sitting on the land. Add to that Buffalo’s history of lawsuits any time you try to tear something down an no business man in his right mind would devote time to signing a development deal unless the land was shovel ready.

DO it and take the skyway with it

Hopefully they do something cool like the Tigers old stadium.

They are keeping the field, dugouts, gate/entrance, etc and building around it.

It would be cool to keep the rink up and be able to skate on it during the winter.

Let it burn. :tspry:

Auction or sell off stuff inside to help pay for demolition. You know there will be a line for memoriabilia


Auction or sell off stuff inside to help pay for demolition. You know there will be a line for memoriabilia



The problem is no one is going to sign a development plan when there is an asbestos filled huge arena sitting on the land. Add to that Buffalo’s history of lawsuits any time you try to tear something down an no business man in his right mind would devote time to signing a development deal unless the land was shovel ready.



particularly with the legal jabs thrown around here.