One reason the City cant grow and make any money

Now i understand where this guy is coming from however it is just sitting there doing nothing not to mention the cost of restoring it would probably cost more than to rip it down and build a new structure. I love the aud and have had lots of memories there. But if they want to stop us from tearing down all old buildings then the city will ALWAYS be the same. Even when the aud was still open it was falling apart and if i remember right they had a little rat problem even with everyone still in there. All great things must die and this is just another one of those things it doesnt mean i for one will ever forget the aud.

We as a city cant go foward if we are stuck in the past. We deff. need to let the building go and move on to better things. We never won a stanley cup in that building anyway.

Yeah, lets spend money we don’t have on something we don’t need because this guy has some good memories of the place.

Let it be until it needs to come down for a reason or we the money to fix it up.

I have mixed feelings about the aud. i think it should get destroyed, I mean it just fucks shit up where it’s located. haha. :tdown: to the aud

They are going to demolish the aud, its dumb to even talk about people trying to save it.

yeah but who’s going to pay to get rid of it? and then, what’s the point of paying to tear it down unless we already have a buyer for the property…which i doubt we do…

i saw leave it up until somebody wants the property…then maybe offer to help knock it down for the new buyer…

my company was part of the estimations and walk-thrus on the restoration of the aud…it would cost almost more than 3x as much for asbestos removal and restoration than it would for a complete demolish and landscape

its so stupid, people around here are holding onto the past, and the past wasn’t even that great.

Look at vegas, for god sakes every 10 years they demolish the entire city and rebuild.

The aud is a damn eyesore anyways, whos going to want to see an old beat up building when they build that new development?

They should take all the seats and stuff out of it, and sell it on ebay for charity or whatever.


In short with the bass pro deal there is 10 mil available in public funding for demolition of the aud.

Its going down


the only way to bring prosperity back to the city is to remove the corrupt political officers. until then, you can bitch all you want. nothing is going to change. they are in it for the pay check, and to get thier friends a bigger pay check. buffalo will always be a dump.

what city doesnt have corruption? thats not that great of an excuse.

not everything we aren’t using should just be “torn down.” the richardson complex should def be saved. the central terminal should at least be held up until we can do smething with it.

but yea, the aud can come down. no use i could think of, save a convention center. we do need a new convention center, but its nowhere near viable to use the aud

They said that they are going to demolish the aud and make it free parking. :bloated:

I think they should sell the seats and memoriabilia and donate the money to a charity or something. I want 2 orange nosebleed seats :slight_smile:

Then they should build a new convention center. The one we have now sucks and isn’t big enough. Or if not, build a new convention center along the waterfront like Pittsburgh has. Theirs is I beilieve 8x larger than ours.

I remember people tearing shit apart after the last game. I still have the number from my seat.:snky: