Audi Radio Removal tool and VAGCOM

Looking to install an AUX port into my girlfriend’s 2007 Audi A4 in the next few weeks. From what I hear you need special tools to remove the radio and the ECU needs to be recoded with VAGCOM to recognize the AUX input. Just need to borrow the wrenches and if you have VAGCOM, I’d love it if you could recode it for me.

Google’d it and found this to be the ones….(I think)

Shoot me a PM if you can help out.

Come on over again, have all of the above.

(and nothing to do).

Outstanding…couldn’t ask for more

I will buy all the shit today after work, probably come see you later this week. I think I still have your number, I’ll text you.

Pot, meet Kettle.

Cool, talk soon.

nvm, found the connectors cheap(er) at VW of OP

Zac removed the radio for me, coded the car correctly with VAGCOM, got me a deal on the silly expensive wiring clips, and is a super nice guy to boot.

Thanks for everything man. :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: