Audiophiles called out

And obviously you have a hard time with reading comprehension, it was stated that M. Fremer was willing to use an even more expensive cable in the test Randi said he would not. Even taken from the article you posted

Soon after Adam Blake announced Michael Fremer’s challenge to Randi, Fremer and James Randi began negotiating the details of the test. Even though Randi taunted Fremer with trash talk and ridicule, Randi stated clearly that the tests would only take place if they both agreed on the parameters. Fremer offered possibilities for the test, one of which included an offer for Fremer to use his own $15,000 Tara Labs cables for the testing. Randi said he would pose those possibilities to his advisors. But Randi says his advisors later ruled against that idea. “We’re not going to go for [Fremer’s] reference cables,” Randi told us in an exclusive interview. “We’re testing Pear Anjou cables. That was the original test. We’re going to assess them to see if they perform better than the much cheaper Monster cables. And if he wants to go to his reference cables, we’ll do that next if that’s what he wants. It’s his test, you see? He has to make the terms himself.”

The JREF was afraid of using reference cables. Congrats for proving my post…

seriously did you read the article, all it talked about was how Randi would use negative language towards Fremer, smearing him and what not. Pear has seen Randi skew results in the end.

I mean seriously

That didn’t sound to us like an answer, but more a criticism of Randi and doubt of his trustworthiness, which was expressed by Pear Cable from the start. What had changed? After we asked Blake a few more times for a reason why he withdrew his cables from a challenge he announced himself via a press release sent to Gizmodo two weeks earlier, Blake continued to point to Randi, disbelieving that Randi would allow a legitimate test to occur. “The test was not just for Pear Cable. James Randi challenged someone with a media presence to differentiate between Pear Cable OR Transparent cable and an entry level cable. Michael Fremer (not Pear Cable) offered to take the challenge and presented James Randi with 3 cable options, his own Tara Labs cables, the Pear Cables, or the Transparent Cables. We offered to loan Michael Fremer some cable IF he wanted to use it for the test.”
After those three options were presented to Randi by Fremer, Randi at first said he liked the third option of using Fremer’s Tara Labs cables, but wanted to check with his advisors before agreeing to the idea. This is where Blake changed the story around to fit his company’s devices: “James Randi suggested that Fremer use his own cable (subject to advisors), and then Pear Cable decided not to participate for the reasons already stated.” According to Randi and Fremer, this is not what happened. It was Fremer who posited this idea to Randi, who hadn’t accepted it yet when Pear withdrew from the challenge

I am confused what the article that you posted was trying to prove, well besides that you really have no idea what you are talking about, and that Randi is shady. Just in case you missed it:

Even though Randi taunted Fremer with trash talk and ridicule, Randi stated clearly that the tests would only take place if they both agreed on the parameters

Again if he really wanted to prove that you can not hear a difference between cables why not at least use the transparent cables, as they are the cheapest of the bunch, or even use the Tara Labs, surely if the pears are not worth $7,200 these can no way be worth $15,000…

God you suck at life, please end yourself.