You obviously didnt read the thread if you felt that this was an appropriate post without thinking that it would be enough evidence to change :fuckingretardedassmoron to :66impalass:
With this so called double blind, you do not know what equipment is being used
The RC challenge, that has been standing for years, and referenced in this post, clearly states you can use any combination of sources, media, etc you want.
On top of that, if you looked in to the JREF challenge, you would see that the problem is not with Randi and the tester, but rather the fact that the manufacturer has no balls, and refuses to loan cables to be used for the test. Pear Cable Chickens Out of $1,000,000 Challenge, We Search For Answers. While it doesn’t state the details, it is obviously mutually agreeable to both the tester, and the testee (hehe :beavis:)
You are the one that clearly has no idea what they are talking about in this post :hay:
And obviously you have a hard time with reading comprehension, it was stated that M. Fremer was willing to use an even more expensive cable in the test Randi said he would not. Even taken from the article you posted
Soon after Adam Blake announced Michael Fremer’s challenge to Randi, Fremer and James Randi began negotiating the details of the test. Even though Randi taunted Fremer with trash talk and ridicule, Randi stated clearly that the tests would only take place if they both agreed on the parameters. Fremer offered possibilities for the test, one of which included an offer for Fremer to use his own $15,000 Tara Labs cables for the testing. Randi said he would pose those possibilities to his advisors. But Randi says his advisors later ruled against that idea. “We’re not going to go for [Fremer’s] reference cables,” Randi told us in an exclusive interview. “We’re testing Pear Anjou cables. That was the original test. We’re going to assess them to see if they perform better than the much cheaper Monster cables. And if he wants to go to his reference cables, we’ll do that next if that’s what he wants. It’s his test, you see? He has to make the terms himself.”
The JREF was afraid of using reference cables. Congrats for proving my post…
seriously did you read the article, all it talked about was how Randi would use negative language towards Fremer, smearing him and what not. Pear has seen Randi skew results in the end.
I mean seriously
That didn’t sound to us like an answer, but more a criticism of Randi and doubt of his trustworthiness, which was expressed by Pear Cable from the start. What had changed? After we asked Blake a few more times for a reason why he withdrew his cables from a challenge he announced himself via a press release sent to Gizmodo two weeks earlier, Blake continued to point to Randi, disbelieving that Randi would allow a legitimate test to occur. “The test was not just for Pear Cable. James Randi challenged someone with a media presence to differentiate between Pear Cable OR Transparent cable and an entry level cable. Michael Fremer (not Pear Cable) offered to take the challenge and presented James Randi with 3 cable options, his own Tara Labs cables, the Pear Cables, or the Transparent Cables. We offered to loan Michael Fremer some cable IF he wanted to use it for the test.”
After those three options were presented to Randi by Fremer, Randi at first said he liked the third option of using Fremer’s Tara Labs cables, but wanted to check with his advisors before agreeing to the idea. This is where Blake changed the story around to fit his company’s devices: “James Randi suggested that Fremer use his own cable (subject to advisors), and then Pear Cable decided not to participate for the reasons already stated.” According to Randi and Fremer, this is not what happened. It was Fremer who posited this idea to Randi, who hadn’t accepted it yet when Pear withdrew from the challenge
I am confused what the article that you posted was trying to prove, well besides that you really have no idea what you are talking about, and that Randi is shady. Just in case you missed it:
Even though Randi taunted Fremer with trash talk and ridicule, Randi stated clearly that the tests would only take place if they both agreed on the parameters
Again if he really wanted to prove that you can not hear a difference between cables why not at least use the transparent cables, as they are the cheapest of the bunch, or even use the Tara Labs, surely if the pears are not worth $7,200 these can no way be worth $15,000…
I didn’t read all the crap you posted because the statement
And obviously you have a hard time with reading comprehension, it was stated that M. Fremer was willing to use an even more expensive cable in the test Randi said he would not. Even taken from the article you posted
Was not true you illiterate fuck. Man your mother should have swallowed you retard. Read the whole article next time.
Although it was Fremer’s challenge to Randi, it was Blake who first announced it and agreed to provide the Pear Anjou cables for the test. And it was Blake who withdrew from the testing. Randi still invites Blake to provide his Pear Anjou cables for the test. He said, “It’s all up to him [Adam Blake]. I’m 100% willing, always have been. I did not say that I was backing out. He could be saying that I’m backing out of it. No. It was very evident from the nature of the withdrawal of the Pear Anjou manufacturers, that they weren’t going to provide the cables. I’m damned if I’m going to buy the cables. And Fremer says that he wasn’t willing to, either. He wanted to borrow them.”
He later acknowledged that Randi indeed does have the million dollars after Randi pointed to its existence in his Educational Foundation’s account held by Goldman Sachs.
As it stands now, both Michael Fremer and James Randi are still willing to perform the double-blind testing if they can be loaned a pair of Pear Anjou cables. Fremer has offered his audiophile system as a test bed, and Randi has offered a preliminary set of protocols for the test, suggesting between 20 and 40 rounds of random comparisons between the Pear Anjou cables and Monster cables that Fremer has already received from Monster Cable, Inc. The only missing element is the Pear Anjou cables, those $7250 pieces of copper around which this entire controversy erupted in the first place. We’re left to think the following
Both Fremer and Randi agree, and are ready to do the test. What’s missing? The cables from one of the shadiest vendors I’ve read about.
This was a challenge about the Pear Anjous. Why would someone giving up a Million bucks, allow someoe to bring a potentially tainted cable to the test? EVEN FREMER AGREES THAT IS VALID.
Kill yourself. I mean seriously. You came in here like Captain Save-a-hoe a day late after everyone agreed that people making statements like yours WERE FUCKING CLUELESS MORONS and YOU STILL DON’T GET IT.
Good job. You have no idea what you are talking about. Post out of context arbitrarty quotes, and clearly
Didn’t read the thread
Didn’t read the article
Please go back to first grade, do not pass go, do not collect $200, enjoy the butt fucking from your boyfriend.
I find it amusing that the 100+ responders were able to grasp the concept, but you still can’t. I guess they excel at understanding written english, an area you are clearly still working on.
your cute when you get a staff infection from a dirty tampon, again you have not responded to a single one of my point, it even quote gizmodo stating they would loan a cable for the test…
end yourself you moron, if he wanted to prove that a cable is a cable he could go to another cable, I am in no way defending pear, if they wanted to prove the had the product that they do they would agree to do it, but I am also proving that Randi can not back his claim up if he refuses to make a substitution.
Jesus fucking christ you are a useless piece of flesh…
I find it amusing that those reader also think a 1080p Vizio monitor is a good buy, that H/K products sound “omg fucking amazing”
some people get it, some people don’t, you obviously don’t
I also find it funny that any one that doesn’t agree with you is a fucking moron, I think you really do have insecurity issues, did your mommy not hug you as a child, maybe she hugged you to much… I mean it wouldn’t be useful thead if a former riced out probe owner didn’t try to call someone else a moron.
you are a rambling moron. you make no sense. you are the one that came in here not reading, and not responding. you lack ANY credibility. your mother has thrown away more crusty condoms in one night than you’ve had intelligent thoughts in this thread.
you haven’t proven a SINGLE thing I said incorrect. You lack mounds of credibility and only continue to make yourself look dumber, and dumber. I fucking own you, you pretty little bitch.
some people are smart, some people aren’t. you obviously aren’t.
wow, that is a quality response, and again other companies are offering to provide cables, if he Randi wants to prove his point he would take the challenge.
You own no one, you just more and more look like some one that has to resort to shock value to try to get a false point across, again just like Randi… wow I think I found your idol
don’t forget custom screws to connect the cases of all your gadgetry to the magic box… screws must be made of an unobtanium derivitive to sell
for $75 ea.
hm owning a truck because I needed a tow vehicle for other cars, yes that was a bad decision, wow you are pathetic. I also like how you only post a pic of a dd/tow vehicle, now any of my other cars…
You are rigt though, this is the epitome of what we all want to be like
Way to go stud. Certainly an intelligent looking fella there.
Its ok sweet heart. Keep on crackin jokes instead of attending to the issue at hand.
You showed up late, looking like a moron, and you’re doing a horrible job at backpedaling.
Lol, wow you really are pathetic, and really do lack any intelligence, you try to resort to attacking how a look in a 5 year old picture instead of trying to refute any claim I have made. Congrats you look like a complete more and or tool again…
oh and just in case you have no idea who James Randi is, read, yup he is a real truthful guy that does nothing by try to get the spot light through any means.
On a side note if you are such the amazing specimen of all that is human, post a picture of yourself, you won’t because all you can do is talk shit on the internet.
The thing about this is that people that have the money don’t give two shits about this “call-out”. They don’t need any evidence. Ridiculous claims paired with any amount of prestige that simply comes with the ability to purchase such a product is probably enough.