AUG 19 - Flashlight drags

That was me posting under Dom’s name…and I meant that Dom is trying to make plans involving me, without asking me beforehand…I am most likely working until it’s time for us to leave, so I doubt we can meet up with anyone on the way.

bgblockelcamino are you going on Saturday? Where does everyone or anyone want to meet?

i used to see you in my red '97 ss it had a 383lt4 w/ full bolt ons, now i have an '02 ss it has the slp shit(cat back, air lid) and gutted cats
im always drivivng around there i see your camaro parked by the middle school in moon right down the road from time to time

Was that you that lived on montour st.,that just sold the house? Do you want to ride out to Zelie on Saturday? Sorry, i just read the other post. That SS looked real good!!! Why did you sell it?

swift what time are we heading out on saturday and whos all going out with us?

i wanted something newer, the car ran great but i had already lost reverse and was in the process of loosing 3rd gear i was on my 2nd rear end the interior was beat on and the paint had a lot of imperfections plus i knew i could build an ls1 up easier and this car is much much cleaner then my lt1 was and eventually this car will be faster then my 383lt1 was yea ill ride out w/ you tommorrow

and that was my girlfriends house not mine

keith is going, i think pat is going maybe ben whenever you and adam can get over my housei ill head out there

Where are we gonna meet up at?

probably the kings in crafton or somewhere like that right off of 79

Kings in crafton sounds good to me,just let me know what time.

Me and another guy are meeting at Krispy Kreme in cranberry tomorrow around 1:45-2:00 in case anyones interested

Are you guys still going?

i will be heading up, but prob won’t go till later.

Have nothing to do tonight after work (4:00)… Might have to go or catch a ride with someone who is going later?

Swift you still going?

i am going probably leave shortyl


swift is whooped he wont be there

i’m heading out in about an hour

I ended up staying home,for one it was a little too hot out for me and two, i didnt really feel like going by myself. How was it?