Anyone have or used one of these.
opinions please, i hate scooping litter, and yes im lazy
Anyone have or used one of these.
opinions please, i hate scooping litter, and yes im lazy
no, but lemme know what you think of it if/and/or when…
Lady has one
PITA to clean
the fork things getting shitty
and the “drop box” is badly designed
a lady I work with he and she loves it. I’ve never seen it though
i hate cats…
Just cuz u get a cat scooper,doesn’t mean I’ll let ya have pussy at the apartment
I heard pretty much the same, and that cats get freaked out and tend to avoid using it. BTW aren’t cats for broads?
YEA…ur better off just being the pooper scooper…just make it part of ur routine
Make that fucker take a shit outside, on the neighbor’s lawn of course. :tup:
I have tried them all. This by far is the best. It is available at Petco. You just turn it upside down, and back over again. Remove the drawer which collects the waste. I did a lot of research last year. This works well if you your cat isn’t huge like one of mine.
Omega self cleaning litter box
Butch made this cats the ultimate shitter…
Put it on a leash and take it for a walk,have it shit on someone elses lawn.