I thought cats were supposed to be smart?

So i’ve got headphones on, relatively loud…

and i here a weird gurgling, almost hiccup like sound coming from behind me…

one of my kittens was like lunging back and forth…kinda freaked me out, didn’t know what was going on…then i saw her put her head down, and open her mouth wide open…and knew what was coming.

i watched something come out…and she sniffed it, gave it a few licks, and walked away after losing interest.

ended up being a huge fuckin wad of couch cotton stuffing i saw her going at about 30 minutes ago…fucking stupid animal…

dumbest thing is that she did it on the carpet, right next to the hardwood…which would have been a lot smarter to puke on.

it’s bad enough i have to clean up her shit…but now this is bullshit, when i got her, nowhere in the fine print did it say anything about cleaning up her mistakes.

just thought i’d share how my night is going with the night crew.


ok, so seriously. that sucks. what a stupid cat.

buy some bitter spray so she doesn’t ruin your couch while you’re at it.

+1 Banstick for our favorite BMW crash tester.

-1 Andy for having a cat. They are stupid animals.



Quick with the edit Queen of the Night Shift.

Heck yeah. I edited just for you. But for real, BMW crash tester. I can’t stop laughing.

Isn’t the rant thread designed for this special occasion?

That said, who said cats were smart in the first place. Even the search feature knows this!

OT :

Check yes if any of this applies to you.

  • You live with your parents
    -your are married
    -you have a gf
  • the cat belongs to a female room mate

If you did not check yes for at least one of these, then your cat is still retarded and you are gay.

Why should the cat care where she pukes? She doesn’t have to clean it up, you do.

it is a cat do u really think it is going to say well if i going to blow chunks should i really go to that big bowl of water upstairs that i drink out of, let the chunks go on the nice wooden floor that i like or just do it right here and now? it is a cat people they may “sometimes” smarter then dogs but not always.
don’t complain my brother rat, aka pug was over last weekend and blew chunks 3 times and guess who had to clean them up? but i am not complaining.

This is the crap that the night shift is producing? Really? Your cat threw up, and you posted about it.


The night shift really sucks.

LOL at the people posting that actually thought that i believe a cat can distinguish the difference in difficulty of cleaning up vomit off of a rug vs hardwood.

you all fail.


You were trying to be funny.

trying to be sarcastic…yes.

and several people in here obviously suck at detecting e-sarcasm…

i saw the

for what it was and posted my theory of what goes on in a cats brain.

no we just can only see red because we are angry at shitty night shift posts.

my cat puked in my room today too…twice :frowning:

shave the cat

its pretty fun :lol: