Autometer = poop

I know most of you kow this already, but this is ridiculous. I went through four boost gauges. SINCE MARCH!

Last year I used Autometer all season with no problems at all. This year the Phantom Boost gauges kept getting all fucked up. The first two I killed, liked to sit at 5 inHg with the car off after about 2-3 weeks of use.

The last one I tried was an Ultralite, wich is the one that let me down the most. It would register I was running 14 psi of boost, while I was really running 20. Not good for tuning, nor for bragging.

The big let down was with the Ultra-lite regarding my track runs. I was really excited that I trapped 118mph on 14 psi and was telling everyone the good news. However, I was suspicious after the fact, since last year I only managed 112 on 25psi. Granted that was a smaller turbo and a less efficient head, but the point remains. So I tested the gauge with a real vaccum/pressure tester, and I found what the gauge thought was 14 psi was really 20psi. (thank god my tune was set for 20psi last year.) I am not as mad about trapping 118 on 20psi, but I AM FURIOUS THAT A COMPANY WOULD MAKE SUCH A SHITTY PRODUCT THAT COULD HAVE ENDED MY SEASON RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

I understand it was my own stupidity for buying a product I heard bad things about, but I hear good things too and you can’t trust everyone that has something to say.

Don’t ask what happened to #3…It died a horrible death. Pics to come. :wink:

Summary. DON’T BUY AUTOMETER!!! As you will think you are the low b00st master, but really, you have an average car, that is about tro go p00f. :tdown:

BTW: My new Stewart Warners are amazing and sexxy.

Edit: I was pissed when my warranty was declined.

That’s gay Skrapper. Yours are not the first autometers I have seen that read way off.

Stewart Warner gauges are a great choice to go to as well :tup:


or Defi :smiley:

I agree with you on that one. But the bank denied my loan request. Something about one mortgage already in my name…whatever. :slight_smile:

stewart warner :tup:

Don’t suppose I could get one of those broken ones off of you. Would be a ton better than that tire-pressure gauge I’m using. Even if it is off.

lol. sure…i guess.

Stop by NAPA tomorrow after 1pm.

lol fuzzy…

defi d-series ftw :wink:


I’ll be there, I want that one trapped in the infinate vaccum vortex. :tup:

What can I say I’m working on a tight budget. :slight_smile:

Sure you don’t want the other one? It comes with a free screwdriver. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been saying it all along!! Autometer gauges are shit…

Yep. In fact, one of those EGT gauges in the background is the one you sold me over a year ago.


Discontinued, FTW.

I have had my autometers for a while now with no issues. Looking back I should have bought a Stack cluster with the amount of money I have tied up in autometer…:smash2:

So Sexy…

take gauge with screwdriver in it

set on the counter at your napa

type up a sign describing the problems

take picture of it all

send to autometer and tell them you want a full refend for all the $ youve spent on their boost gauges

inform that when you receive a check, the lil display will come down

receive check

laugh that you pissed of someone at autometer

lol stupid gauges…hell if you did 118 on 14psi you would be fucking flying on high b00st

I know. :cry:

Seriously though 20 psi is still somewhat low boost for what my plans are, so I am not all that dissapointed. 25psi is where it will be at…I’m shooting for 120 on pump. (until I build my bottom end.)

lol everyone should run autometers…nah man look right here it was only 14lbs

Autometers Sandbag line of gauges :tup:

Didn’t Autometer used to be good? Back in the day?