automotive loans?

anyone work at a bank or know someone that does refinacing on auto loans

i have a pretty good rate not but if i can get it down id be great
im at 5.9 for 60 right now on the TA

anyone know of any banks offering lower? for a 99 car ?

i think im at 8.something percent right now. But its only a 5,000 loan for like 2 or 3 years…

ok not to be a dick but explain to me how that did that not completly waste my time by you telling me that :nuts:

to show you that you can do a lot worse than 5.9%. 5.9 is pretty freakin good. The banks gotta make a little bit of $$$…

fuck the banks i want more money need money fo furl upgrades~~

try bank of america…they just hooked me up…with 0% for a year and then 5.9% for the rest …but its a personal loan thingy

dont think i could take aout the amount i need for a personell loan

i was just a sugestion since personal loans usually have a higher intrests rate

Try a credit union

tired the one here on base they wanted 7%

but the maxim personal loan they could give is 5k.
thats what my bank said to me 3 years ago.
it was somewhere 7% or 8% and wasn’t a whole lot of interest.

I got it from ambridge credit union, if they approved me w/ no credit at the time. they will aprrove anyone :rofl:

I don’t think it’s really remotely possible to refinance for 60 months on a 2-3 year old vehicle for under 5.9%. I could be wrong, but I have extremely good credit, and the best I could get refinanced for was 6.25%

You don’t have a house do you? Home equity loans kick ass - 4% and interest is tax deductible if you itemize.

good ole ambridge


i’m looking into one right now for a new patio/sidewalk/deck/fix up my truck and that’s seems to be the best way to get a loan.

Home Equity Loans or H.E. Lines of Credit are the shit… If its possible to do that to pay off the car at a lower interest rate, I would do it… But like someone said above, for only 2 or 3 years left, 5.9% is as low as it goes, especially with the fed just recently raising interest rates and probably going to do it again at the next meeting in a couple months.

fuck well some one just take out a home equity loan and ill just pay them :blue: :blue:

Sorry, my interest rate would be alot higher than you would want to pay :bigok:

while we are BS’n about finances I have a quick question thats related. I have 2 loans out. One for my truck @ 7.something. I have my car also @ 2.2% Could I get a refinance on both simulaeously? It would be more convienent. but now that I typed it out… (7.?% x ~2200) < (2.2% x 15,000). and unless my interest rate on the refinance was super duper low it would be pointless

It would be difficult to refinance approx. $17,000 without any equity to borrow against (house, property, etc…) and if you were able to refinance it, the interest rate with those numbers together would ost likely be higher than they are apart…