Automotive Pet Peeves

People being politically and grammatically correct and correcting others on the internet = pet peeve

It’s been tint since it came out way back…“tints” sounds ghetto.


Haha, where did that come from. lol thanks, i need a a laugh


if you take the time to

a. notice this shit
b. process it
c. become angry about it
d. post it on the internet

you need to chill out. Who cares? I see dumb shit and im glad i saw something I can chuckle at. Instead of getting pissed, realize that some dumb ricer spent his life savings to make you chuckle…

No one said the people riding out the lane that ends. Unless I missed it.

the line of cars in a tim hortons drive thru at 730 am that makes a line in traffic that goes outside their lot onto the street causing backups in each direction. That shit is insane, news flash they sell it in cans you can go an buy a can of it make youre own and stop making me late to work.

:tup: It’s my new thing. Ask Phil@Innovative. I WAHHHHH him all the time. :lolham:

really quick… i LOVE THAT I CAN BUY A BIKE AND MAKE THE ROAD MY TRACK… but hate that noobs can buy a gsxr 1000 and make my insurance go up due to multiple claims…

turn left to turn right
people who throw cigs out the windows of their car
people who think their car will run many seconds faster than what it really will run at the track
people who think if u can wheelie you can ride
people who suck at riding but put super loud pipes on their bike and run from the police and crash out and give cops a hard on toward anybody with a sport bike…

people who get pissed at cops for doing their jobs… be polite and get respect back… someitmes a cop is having a bad day… sorry… sucks to be you

btw… fuzzy’s first post about what pisses him rocks… couldnt agree more


I get annoyed when I am driving behind someone with my nice clean car and they put their squirters on and get my car all wet.

I don’t like people in the South towns. Why does everyone try to race me when I am there?

And one that applies at every car show, car meet, cruise night, etc. I can’t stand those people who know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy with a 700+hp something. Sure you do.

Hate old people,women drivers
People who go 5 under the speed limit.
If i have the sunfire out i see ricers and fast cars but never when i have the quest out.People who throw there cigs out the window and hit my car

I once threw a cig out my car, and it wasnt even near this guys car and he flashed his highs at me and came up the side and yelled something, mind you hes driving a 98 ish malibu

Yeah, Tim Hortons needs to make their places like banks with multiple lanes.

fucking tailgaters in green dodge grand caravans.


hahahahaha i just hate mine cause its still broke and i have no time to finish fixing it.

I hate when the car I’m driving always pulls to one side.

I HATE HATE HATE shitty headlights at night. They freak me out.

Can’t stand when I drive a car with shitty tires and have to do 40mph in the rain.

That little whistle my passenger side door makes when I drive above 45mph lol. I gotta check the seals.

ne1 driving under the speed limit or anyone going like 10 ova. if you cant leave on time to get somewhere, then expect to be late.

:word: dont get me wrong, I always speed alitte, but the asshole behind you thats swerving back and forth like he has to piss or something, riding your ass…DIAF! Can’t stand when I am cruizing at 60 in a 55 and some old asshat pulls out onfront of me, causing me to slam on my brakes, and then does 40 mph.

-dumbasses who during backed up traffic try to make it through an intersection despite the fact the traffic ahead of them is going no where. then the light goes red and theyre in the middle of the intersection with their thumbs up there asses and backing even more people up.

Dont’ sweat it, they’ll get into an accident sooner or later, guarenteed. Tailgating/switching lanes every two seconds is a good way to get clipped/clip someone.
PS nice avatar fbodymadnezz haha