Avatars and sigs... make them work safe?


I’ve gotten complains about NWS avatars and sigs…

I for one think that you can choose the option of not seeing them at all… so they should stay.

Up to you…

worksafe :tup:

no. I <3 when other college doodz crane their necks to see some assitars from across the comp lab…

If you’re at work, you technically shouldnt be looking at NYSpeed anyway. There are also options to turn off avatars and signatures. You dont like NWS, turn it off, or dont browse.

damn it mike you beat me to it

I agree. Just turn off displaying sigs and avatars at work.

but my job is to inspect NYSPEED at work to make sure I dont miss anything :gotme:


ok, so what about those at school on a break in a public area?

not supposed to be reading NYSpeed at school. You’re supposed to be studying at school. :slight_smile:

You could be studying Automotive.

ok, so what about those at school on a break in a public area?[/QUOTE]

i cant say it any better then mike

Like that makes a difference? :slight_smile:

just sayin.

i don’t really care, just sayin theres times in life where it’s a bit awkward to have an ass in your face. it’s unnecessary IMO.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my name is Darkstar and I dont like ass, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

lol Mikie Lang

but yea leave everything the way it is - good thought though

ive never cared about assatars … even if my parents were standing behind me at the computer :gotme:

and why care if someone you dont know, in a public place, sees a TINY litle ass on a webpage ?

ehhh i browse at work, and sometimes ppl see it.

to be honest, its kind of a hassle to switch it over to no avatars/sigs, while at work or at home. but then again, u gotta make some sacrafices. i could care less either way

My daughter sits here with me sometimes. I dont like it. Just my .02

work safe imo.

shoulda done a poll on this one , majority rules usually,
My .02 dont really matter to me either way but i can see the problems youd run into at a place of busniess

Even if it’s a nice, round… nevermind :slight_smile:

Hey, where’d that poll come from?