Avatars and sigs... make them work safe?

work safe… i always have to watch how far i scroll on pages b/c of people’s avatars…including howie’s :slight_smile:

but whatever… i

Keep the not work safe ones, as long as they’re not too graphic.

Being as there is the option to turn them off, it is up to each person to do so. Leave them the way they are…

you deleted mine for being NWS anyway :frowning:

People can turn them off.


it’s no fun to turn them off. then you have to turn them back on when you get home.

someone needs to make a hack that installs a quick switch for the avatars / sigs …

then there can be a button in the menu bar… just like flash ad’s and such have the on / off for the sound

i can’t believe morons complain about this, when all you have to do is TURN THEM OFF if you can’t look at them


wow, 2001 all over again

haha, i voted and i see that ‘Common Fucking Sense’ is currently in the lead


I couldn’t care less if they are work safe or not, but if the mods are going to be all strict with the sig size at 500x100, then I think the mods should have to shrink their sigs to 500x100 (coughAddicted2boostcough).

Other than that, the assitars are hot.

oh, well as long as your just sayin is all.

and yeah. wa wa we wa… turn em off?

It’s no fun getting fired for looking at porn either. Turn them off. OR stop reading NYSpeed and actually do some work. :wink:

Besides, what about the people that need some booty to break up their otherwise boring workday?

Your boss is screaming at you, your supervisor drops a stack of paper [i[this big[/i]into your inbox, that asshole called your help line again for the same shit he called about yesterday.

Just when you think you’re going to end your life, you look up at your screen and there is NYSpeed. With a bootylicious avatar in your face.

Now you can make it through your day. :slight_smile:

Think of how many NYSpeed members avoid a straight jacket thanks to random ass-atars? It’s a community service!

[/Devil’s Advocate]

As long as it isn’t actual fucking or sucking which is not a problem on here anyways I say leave the forum alone. Otherwise if they/you have a problem, Rick will just have to slap you around a little till you see the light.

For all the haters…

I Do business through these forums and I have them on all the time when I am here. So I HAVE to look at the forums.


I like ass, and no one here at NAPA cares. Even my boss made a positive comment about Howie’s av :wink: .

I didn’t vote because I don’t care.

Oh…and +1 on HRK’s idea of a quick hack for a button on the main page. :tup:


Less censorship, more common sense.

:lol: at people who’s only source of porn is tiny pictures on NYSpeed.

So why is there a NWS section if you then have people with ass and titties over the whole forum?

I just have my options set to not show avatars/sigs :shrug:


It’s just easier to browse @ work without the images. regardless of what they are.
…for the last year or so. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t bother me until a co-worker walks by and gives me a dirty look so i’m going to vote for work-safe avitars and sigs or that quick button thing might work