Avatars and sigs... make them work safe?

eh, both have been turned off for me for some time… just for the reason of co-workers strolling by and glancing…

they prolly should have to be work safe though…

wtf… deal with it. Do you call and complain to your cable company when theres something offensive on tv??? no, they will tell you to lock that show/channel out by programming your cable box. The world is NOT pg13 and there is and will be offensive things out there. If you dont like it turn it off. NYSPEED was nice enough to to make a nws section and also to add the ability to turn off avatars and sigs.

I vote MORE assatars and more nudity. Im pretty sure I stopped using a certain forum to come to this forum because of its freedom. Now all i see is people getting banned left and right for voicing there opinions and now people complaining about not being able to fuck off at work because of the avatars and sigs.

If you dont like it LEAVE!!! Learn to live with diversity where the rest of the world might not agree with you.

amen to that…careful u might get banned for voicing ur opion tho

You didn’t get banned for voicing your opinion, you got banned because you couldn’t listen to a very simple request to help keep a thread from running askew.

Can we just have a standard? In the past there have been some pretty raunchy asses…

let them stay nws

NWS > *

it is annoying when you are at school and someone of remote importance walks by and some ass is on the screen. sometimes it sucks because i have to scroll past it and it might be an informative post or something.

clearly i’m not that bothered by it because i would turn it off.

i say do a hack for convenience if possible, but let them stay.

If you think having a naked female ass as you avatar is a great way to prove to the NYSpeed world that you’re not gay, more power to you.

I really don’t care. I have yet to see one that is outstandingly hot.

i don’t know…kingsario had some good ones in his day.