Need a Disable Avatar Picture Button....

I hate looking at a thread and there is a half nake chick with her you know what hang out when im at work. lol

I would like to disable it so when i view the thread at work and if my boss looks over and see it, i dont want to think that why im looking at the thread for that reason hahaah, Please

under general settings there is the ability to do this… I’ve had it like this for years now… I view sigs only.

I have all sigs and avatars turned off in my profile

it’s so much easier to read

click on settings, then general settings, then uncheck the avatar box.

OMG Thank god!!! fucking ah!

Just Did it and its so much better that should be a standard feature.

I like the sigs/avatars, I just choose to block certain people’s who are a bit over the top for work. With Firefox and Adblock it’s easy.

Right click image, Click Adblock Plus: Block Image, Select the last option “Custom”, Click OK.

Plus this way it only blocks it on my work computer where I care.

It’s freedom of choice. We’ve all had this discussion before about browsing and work. That is why you have the option to turn it off yourself.

I’ve been meaning to do this. I had mine shut off with the old version of the board and it came back. Just been too lazy to fix it.

the problem that you leave out is that it increases the chance of work filters banning nyspeed (and friends). I don’t see it in the benefit of Josh to have his websites banned more places.

So I would think the default of work safe would make the most sense.