Awesome Exhibit

figured i’d share and see what the general view was on such an exhibit. When i was in Vegas a couple weeks ago… I went to see the “Bodies Exposistion”

Actual human bodies that have been embalmed, saturated with acetone then diffused with silicon…basically replacing all the water in the human body with rubber.

Probably the best exhibit i’ve ever been to and one of the most educational.

When i told people about this, i had a lot of “eww…gross” responses, but never once thought it was gross…well except once. (when i saw a fat hairy cooch and rememberd it wasn’t a hot 22yr old, but probably an 80yr old diabetic w/ lung cancer and hip replacement)

fricken sweet…who else has seen this?

Bodies, fucking awesome, my friend quit smoking that same day…

I wanted to see this in Toronto, last year maybe?


I saw the bodyworlds exhibit twice in toronto last year. funny, I JUST made about post about that tonight. Was the exploding man there?

I saw it at the South Street Seaport (or whatever its called, I always get it wrong) over the summer. Definitely interesting.

Yea looks cool, Akvile is working at the exhibit in Seattle still. Would be neat to check out.

Holy shit…

How did they get those young bodies?

pics of 80y/o diabetic cooch?

I saw it in Toronto last year. I thought it was cool and interesting, but it was more art than science. I thought that some of the poses were a little tasteless, as far a science goes. But I never thought “ew, gross”.

not young at all actually…unless you know what to look for you think they are young because the most obvious signs of age (skin, hair) arent there. also the process tends to firm up the muscle more than you would think. but really alot of the bodies are old.

there was one in vegas, a girl. 5’2" and josh and i thought she was young…like a kid. but she ended up being 70 or something…they pointed out thye bunyons (sp?) on her feet as well as some other age signs…

i loved this exhibit more than i thought, it was very very informative, not just eye candy

I wanted to go see this in Toronto last year but I couldn’t find anyone to go with…

i thought there was other candy there too…which is the reason why i got kicked out for licking the fetus.

i thought it was one of these…

i’ve never seen this before… pretty awesome

Saw it in toronto, chicago and bodies II in tampa, are those your pictures?? or stock ones, no one was allowed to take pictures when I saw it

edit: nevermind they are stock pictures

My fiance saw it in Boston this summer and loved it.

i remember seeing this on tv. amazing imho

i wanted to see it when i was in NYC a few weeks ago…I might go back before X-mas to see it