Awesome foot chase video


fuck yeah…nice!

Nice find…

u bastard, i was just about to do the cross post lol



Saw that 2 days ago :roll: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to see the whole thing, but I think its a french film…

^^…ur goal…find that movie!!! LOL

Le parkour or “urban freestyle” is huge in france and other parts of the UK, cool stuff.

reminds me of the old mcdonalds commercials :tup:

what was in the bath tub…anybody know?

that shits nothing :stuck_out_tongue:

who wants to do it???

lets do the urban jumping shit.

so, why was there a rope just hanging there?

he put it there just so we can see a dumbass jump out a window and hit the ground. :smash2:

did u seriously just ask that

oh, i should have known that.

lol…i glanced…i’ll have to watch again…

oh ok nm then, cuz i asked that SAME question on TE
