Awesome McLaren Vid

Get in and drive, bitch.

that beamer v12 sounds fuckin sweet unfortunately I had to end the vid becuase that girl needs a muffel!

holy shit… shoot that bitch! you can tell she knows jack shit about cars too. she keeps commenting on the color and pretty much nothing else. my favorite line: “why is the steering wheel removable?” i’m surprised she didn’t say… “don’t get it, it’s too loud.”

“Like oh my god, is your seat as comfortable as mine??”

“WTF you stupid, halfwit bitch i just paid $XXX,XXX.xx for a car, just let me drive it and shut up!!”

that second part must have been edited out…lol


lol at least you couldnt really hear her over the engine when he is getting on it

didnt he say he was a Doctor in the first 5 seconds? I was just mentioning that he sucks at driving… who spins out and lets go of the wheel? what a homo, he was probably trying to scare that banshee in the passenger seat to death so she would shut up.

you should be used to sitting during it anyways, what’s the problem now? stop. fucking. talking.

if this guy doesn’t start shifting underhand between his middle and ringfinger, i’m going to go into seizures


thank god the sound of the engine drowns her out…almost…


I hope she bought him that car, ahhhhhhhhhhhh so annoying

yea that bitch should shut the fuck up…she was so annoying. Thats when i would have stopped the car, opened the sweet ass doors, and booted her the fuck out!! and then cruise the avenue and find 2 bitches to hop in…lol


ah the second vids more annoying than the first, not worth watching or downloading