Azella skate park

i focused more on the skateboarders, took these on sat.













That’s bad ass. I miss skating a lot, but I feel like I’m too old to get back into it (it’s been well over a year since I last did, it would be like starting all over again now)

I’d get in touch with a magazine if you like taking pictures of skateboarders. There are some mags out there that are always looking for content.

i use to skate alot too, about 4-5 days a week, but stopped when i moved down here. i’m 26 and i’m about to start again.

thanks but i need alot more practice before i could submit to mags.

I am not going to point out that you spent a whole day taking pictures of sweaty, young shirtless boys because that might make you look gay.

aren’t you early 20’s??? :wtf:

I skateboard about once every week in the summer… unfortunatley for me, i get broken every time… sometimes worse than others, the bad thing is, it now takes longer to heal :frowning:

I’m 21. When I do skate every once in a while, it’s like starting from scratch after having not done it in so long. I guess I should have said I’m too old to go anywhere with it. I still mess around with it from time to time with my friends.

skateboarding is for homosexuals. It’s not quite as bad as synchronized swimming, but it’s damn close.

^^ Fucking faggots.

I’m 30 and I’ve been riding BMX for 16 years. I still ride twice a week. Every time I hear someone say that they are too old, it’s just thier way of saying they sucked back then, and don’t want to face it.

or im way to out of shape to move that much :slight_smile:

I sucked back then, that’s why my hand ended up in multiple pieces…
I still wish I never stopped :slight_smile:

i started skateboarding when i was twelve, then kinda lost touch with it for a while, but now my 6 year old son is really into it and he’s getting good so that’s got me back to skating again. Though at 26 it does take a little longer to heal, but just as much fun. Especially watching my son progress.

No doubt. I don’t get all tricky on my BMX, but I still ride it all the time in the summer.