Skateboarding today

Wellllll it’s 62 degrees out! I’m going skating at 3:30 as soon as I get out of class. I’ll be by south campus but will most likely be going downtownish.

want to skate? give me a call. 725-5366


all are welcome

edit: except rollerbladers

wish i didnt have to work and wish i didnt break my deck

booo only if my board wasnt in rochester at the moment…

sunday sells blanks for 39.99 with jessup grip included (best grip tape) and they’re the same wood as alien workshop. they’re open till 7

i use to ride with JC all the time, the owner of sunday, i gotta get a headset before i ride. if i get over there and get one before 330 ill most likely be down

they probably have that. jc’s bish ass leaves for an LA vacation soon

:lol: is there even such a thing? I havent seen a rollerblader in about 3-4 years

damn, so much hate for the fruitbooters lol. well, if i wasnt borke, and had a board, i would totally leave studio right now for a lil ridin. fuck me dammit i wanna go.

wish I wasnt working… I’d be down

damn im workin til 6

workin til 5 :frowning:

I might skate thruway mall tonight. I went to o.p. skatepark yesterday and actually saw a rollerblader their.

I use to be one :gotme: i rolled with mostly skateboarders (because my friends just happened to skateboard) and anything they had to say didnt bother me…I rollerbladed before they ever put a deck toghether. I enjoyed skateboarding also i just never got into it enough to quit Rollerblading. Most skateboarders showed me respect for the most part, probably because I was good and didnt act like a homo like most fruitbooters do. I only met about 4 rollerbladers i liked the whole time i skated, One was a good friend and the others were actually really good.

i would go but i live really far away… and i dont own or know how to skate…

shit… maybe times have changed, but when I was younger, all the skateboarders and rollerbladers would all skate together and everyone got along. We’d wheel the 1/4 pipes up to the evans national bank in Derby and skate all day… it was great :slight_smile:

I have nothing but respect for both sides… shit, we were usually too busy plotting against the police (for kicking us out of everyplace we used to skate) to be hating on each other :stuck_out_tongue:

I can teach you johnny, but I only give lessons @ the casino

this is what makes a difference. i dont have a problem with bladers, unless they are complete tools and dont repsect boarders…its a two way street. respect boarders and they respect you…thats all it takes. most skaters i’ve met were total toolboxes…kevin716 is one of the first i met that wasnt. even a couple dudes i was friends with in 7th/8th grade started to blade in 9th grade when i started to board…and they didnt respect boarding and shit so we were no longer friends. i couldnt beleive that, but whatever. i usually dont have a problem with anyone, i need a good reason for that.

back on topic. im jealous and want to be skating right now :meh:

GRRR stupid browser at school double post :rant: