
I so fucking hung out with and danced with Rachel from MTV real world Austin… :finger: :gives: Ask FMFkid, he saw me with her! :rofl:


no twat no care

i didnt see her all night

unless u hit it, im not jealous

congrats. you grinded on an AW hoe

true story right there, in the 80’s room

lol that place is sorta wierd, u got all kinds of people in there,

worthless with out pics

which one is rachel? pics?

no johanna on melinda, no care

Are we talking about Rachel or Ra-shell??

easy buddy, dont post so many pictures. You’re gonna crash my RAM.

Were you humping her leg?


15mins of fame = over
lame attempt to keep it going by doing reunion/challenge shows = coming soon

congrats you danced with a nobody :greddy2:

lol… i waited in line and bullshat with a chick from The Real World at starbucks in mandalay bay… i wouldn’t consider her a celebrity, and she was from one of the earlier (i.e. “better”) seasons.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again:

“Reality TV casts are not celebrities, they are just people who create more drama than the average person. That is why they are picked.”

go even further…reality TV is not “real” reality

The next Real World will be made up solely of Pittspeed members…
