real world

karamo is such a freaking fag… literally

the dude is all like, oh i am black you don’t understand me

he pisses me off

i dont like how that one ho with the big implants thinks she’s the shit. i’d still hit it though.

they should have REAL WORLD PITTSPEED

real world sucks

i think they sould have one like dave chappell did…
all black & 1 white

LOL yeah, i pretty much hate everyone one this season of real world, Karamo= dumb racist black, Willie= feminie fag, Sarah=Thinks shes hot shit drama queen that does get attached to guys, Shavanda= need weight, landon= ok for now, mel= to quiet, mj= hick for no where

shavanda is hot…

the real world is still on air?

i cant believe you guys watch that shit

yes… and from what i’ve heard, they’re planning one on Mt. Washington in a couple years.


I’ve been hearing that rumor for years… I highly doubt it will ever happen… This city is too boring, even those idiots from MTV couldnt spice it up.

the best was like an episode ago, where a dude threw a chair at the hick and later some chics in a blazer driving by called them fags and threw a can at them. :bowrofl: now rw in pitt… imagine the harrasment they’d get if they went to kaibs :finger: :bowrofl:

i heard the current real world season was suppost to be here in pittsburgh on mt. washington??

i think it was fucked up someone threw a chair at MJ in that bar but he just walked away and didnt start shit like you should when your on a show like that. i think that made karamo look fucking ridiculous for flipping out over being patted down.

if they had real world pittsburgh BJ’s car would be parked on Mt washington 24/7. :smiley:

i like it still, last season was awesome.

and if someone would have thrown a chair at me I would have said fuck the show and beat him down with the chair


San Fran cast was mo better. All they did was drink and Brad was hilarious. The bitches from this new cast are horrid compared to Robin and whats her name…(blonde)

that was san deigo. and yes they are goin to have a real world pittsburgh. the house is already being built on mt washington. it is one amazing house that is for sure

i still think Puck is the greatest Real World member EVER!!!

puck was cool but them i hated him on the rw/rr challenge. my fav was seattle