Babe Rally : You, a cheapass car, and 1400 miles

i’d do it if I wasn’t busy :tup:

:lol: @ the rule “car cannot cost more than $250”

damn if it was a real rally i have access to a corolla gt4


Dayom… $250… I think the challenge is finding a running car for $250

i ahve the perfect car, good ole 89 teg. my roommate paid 200 for it. LETS DO IT

They should define “cost” a bit better. Hell, Adam could sell me his evo for $250 with a valid bill of sale. “cost” should be changed to “blue book value”

if u show up there with an evo they will make u leave…

u know what a 250 dollar car is and so do they

That would be like a demolition derby in an open arena:tup:

freaking awesome.

You will then be sumarily be exectuted by the Rally Firing Squad and your body attached to the front of a car Mad Max style as a deterant to anyone else who is breaking the rules.


It must be the worst LOOKING but running car for under $250. I believe thats what it said somewhere in the rules area

I’ll enter the tercelica, how could they turn it away. :smiley:

I think I might just buy a tow truck and be in the neighborhood that week :tup:

that sounds fun, but too bad for me i paied $400 for my beater :frowning:

think I might just buy a tow truck and be in the neighborhood that week

good idea man!!!

hahaha :tup:

fuzzyfish you could enter the superbeater and I could enter the other SHO I got, technicaly I did pay 200 for it and since it has a 3" hole in teh tranny it is a legit price although it still runs and drives.

i can get my hands on a 90 subaru loyale wagon for $50. that’d be rad…