Baby born with third arm!

They must be sole mates, 3 hands, 3 tits, thats no coincidence.

damn… I was all sitting here feeling bad for the kid until you guys enlightened me to the possibilities lol a 3rd arm would be tits

More acurately, three of them.


he will make one hell of a ping pong player one day

What about his shirts.

Well that ought to be usefull in about 10 years when he starts working in a sweat shop making Nike’s.

I don’t see why its such a big deal? After all, I have 3 legs. :gotme:

3 years, mofo! you think the small stitching is done by machine?

when i play ping pong i only use one paddle

well, he’s halfway to the Doppleganger Spider-Man.

they thought i had a third arm when i was born too…but then realized i was just gifted



someone’s full of themselves :wink:

Doctors Remove 3rd Arm From Chinese Baby. Here’s the link:

The parents are farmers from rural Anhui province, west of Shanghai.

Funny what inbreeding will do…

thats the first thing that came to my mind… mortal kombat

wow…thats pretty crazy…
if its functional…damn he could do a lot, lo