No.1baller in hospital

Pray for all to go well. He’s getting a kidney transplant tomarrow. He’s been on dialasus for a while now. Every other day for four hours. Kidney failure sucks, but he’s finally getting a fresh one. :blue:

Hope everything goes well.

I’m sure that his surgery will go well. I hope that his recovery is quick and easy and he’s back up to speed fast!

I wish him the best. I have had kidney troubles in the past too. It sucks! Get well soon.

hospital and room no!!

I talked to james last week said he was goin in. Hope all things go well.

Purrrrty five liter sounds will cheer him up :beer:

get his TT stang done :slight_smile:

yea Jay get me the info, pay that busta a visit

I hope all goes well, I will add him to my thoughts and prayers list! I have a good friend who is getting a kidney transplant in June, from his mom. Good thoughts.

hope all goes well.

get better soon!

Yeah hope he pulls through alright… good luck man.

Hope everything goes well.

tell the pimp we’re all pulling for him!

best of luck…

i wish him the best…hopefully he’ll have a good recovery

any updates?

just talked to Jay… he said that trent is recovering very quickly and everything is going really well! so that’s really good to hear!

Yup. The kidney took imediatly. He’s out of the ICU and in recovery. He has to lay on his back for 3 days, then stay in the hospital for about another 3. Then he has about a 6-8 week recovery time.

glad everything is going OK